Jul 7, 2012

10 Myth about Diet and Fitness


   Myth 1: Eating at night makes fat

  Fact: Actually, eating at night was not the main cause of a person's obesity. After all, the day you also had a lot of potential to be fat with food that we eat. If you eat that are not controlled, of course it will make you fat.

  Joni Rampolla, RD, Director of Nutrition and Wellness, as quoted from Shine, said the calories contained in the dinner will be used the next day (and worn while sleeping). And no one forbids you to have dinner, you are only advised to choose a variety of menus the calorie content of less than 200.

   Myth 2: Hunger is a sign the body needs to eat

   Fact: It is not always the case. Because most of it are the false hunger signals. And is caused by dehydration of the body, tired, and need to sleep, so as to create a signal that you are hungry and need food.

   Myth 3: Lose weight is difficult than to keep it

  Fact: It is much more difficult to maintain one's weight rather than to reduce it. To lose weight is easy, but making the numbers on the scales are in balance and not rise again, it is difficult. It takes extra hard work and discipline to get the ideal body weight over time.

   Myth 4: Exercise only makes the body tired

  Fact: It is the muscles get tired, but the exercise we also improve mood and energy. In addition, benefits can also provide relaxation, makes you sleep better and help manage stress.

   Myth 5: Exercise needs to take a long time

  Fact is: if you do not have much time to exercise, just steal 10-15 minutes of your time each day. Do exercise on a regular basis over time, and you can still reap the benefits.

  Myth 6: Training on lower body weight will make the foot get stronger in no time

  Fact is: do not expect that everything will be obtained instantly. Because to have a strong healthy body it is not short. You also have to stay disciplined to practice so that the results will gradually take shape.

   Myth 7: The body needs carbohydrates, especially during heavy work

  Fact: not all sources of energy derived from carbohydrates. Proteins, also including energy resources, as well as calcium. The difference protein is much needed in muscle, while the calcium in bones. So when you eat, make sure the portions are adequate and not excessive counsumption carbohydrate.

   Myth 8: Lift weights to make the body become bigger

  Fact: especially if you are a woman, then the body will not necessarily become bigger just because you lift weights diligently. Primarily, it's lifting weights helps to build muscle, and may indeed be a part of the training will look firmer and more contained. But it will not turn you into such a big as Hulk ;)

  Myth 9: Slim can be obtained only with a detox

  Fact: your body is actually smart enough to adapt, your body did detox too. Some people may believe that fruit juice therapy can help to eliminate toxins in the body, but not with the trim. To achieve ideal body weight and shape needed discipline in diet and exercise, rather than just drinking juice.

   Myth10: Carbohydrates are the enemy when dieting!

  Fact: the body still needs carbohydrates, only portions are not as many of your habits now. Carbohydrates are not the enemy for us, but it's still one source of energy. We just simply outsmart a set amount such as the intake is not to much excessive.

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