Jan 24, 2012

Being beautiful is not always good ^^

Every girl in this world would want to look beautiful, and sometimes they feel envy to their friend because their friend look more beautiful than her.


Before whining and do not appreciate the situation ourselves, we also need to know the bad thing of being beautiful, these are the bad thing for being beautiful girl:

1. The most visible physical, and the other is "forgotten". New people know, good guys, new acquaintances, friends and so on,are usually very impressed by her beauty and forget about other things, such as their humour, smart, kindness and many more. Other people also tend not sure if they are intelligent or active. Akibatrnya they rarely trusted to hold the important position of an event.

2. Many of the demands and scrutiny. Because she was so beautiful, when one day she doesn't look good, people will talk about her. Although it is just a small mistaken.

3. Not a surprise anymore. When she appear attractive at a birthday party or a prom. It's different if the boyish girl or the shy girl dressed up when she appear at a party.

4. Pretty girl can get any guy.  I think that statement is not quite right. It's often you know, there is a girl who's very beautiful, smart, and rich but the guy she likes didn't love her. 
Apparently, many men are less comfortable, not confident, or not even interested in girls who have flawless. Conversely, the lack of a girl they think is actually cute.

5. Become  the victim of annoying guy. Pretty girls will definitely get more experience which she didn't like. No wonder they sometimes become more protective aka grumpy.

6. Many enemies and hard to make friends. Not unfair really, because of she is beautiful many people don't want to be friend with her but it's reality. And usually her enemies will work together to let her down. For the other girls, especially the newly known, will generally feel less comfortable to have friends who is more beautiful than her.