Jun 9, 2013

Underneath this smile :)

The mirror can lie
Doesn't show you what's inside,
And it, it can tell you you're full of life
It's amazing what you can hide
Just by putting on a smile :):

A smile means a lot to someone,
A smile is one of the best make up 
and the most cheapest one in the whole wide world,
A smile is also a strength,
Although you're facing the most difficult problem,
A smile is a cure, a cure that can make people
surround them feel warm beside them
Just a smile, which only requires 3 facial muscles :)

  There will be always people who don't like you, the way you look, the way you talk, the things you say, the way you dress, the things you believe in, the music you listen to but truth is; it's up to you if you let them ruin your day or if you learn to stand up for yourself and accept yourself just the way you are. Try to be good as you can and if that's not enough for them, it certainly for someone else. You're not here to please anyone, just be nice person and true to yourself.

  And be happy in front of your haters, because it kills them. Make them wonders why are you still smiling. Even if it all's fake , but that smile...that smile is A smile that full of strength that will make you stronger than you were before. Let the people say it is a mask or anything. Clearly, a smile makes us stand stronger to face the small pebbles. Because of the small pebbles, we become more able to deal with something that is big.

So keep smiling ;)

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