Oct 28, 2012

Why cant life be like the movies, like a dramedy?

  I havent written in a while and i really feel like writing.. well not really i just need to talk and talk and basically talk with someone, but there isnt anyone who i can talk to at the moment which basically sucks. Blog it is then...
  I'm about to say something so cheesy “why cant life be like the movies, like a dramedy” why do these script writers and directors make these movies that makes me sad as in like why cant my life be that simple? why cant i resolve my problem in 30 minutes then just live happily ever after? i want that special best friend who you can just ring up and say “hey, my life is fucked up.. Bali? in the movies its so fun... so what? but no, in reality you have to think of the consequences, the expenses and everything else. Oh god writing this is making me depressed :'(

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