Mar 25, 2012

Things that can make you happy

These thing can make you happy, and it will make you hard to sleep at night

1. Your Crush greet you or Smile at you

And you would say, "Oh, my god!! Oh, my god! Does he/she like me??, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!"

2. At school When your teacher cancel the examination

 All your classmate would say "Hip..Hip..Horeeeee"

3. At the end of the month you find money in your pants pocket

It's like magic ^0^, you think it's from a fairy but it is actually your money.

4. You got 100 or A+ on Math test

At home, "Mom,, ...I've got 100 on math test!!"

5. You reach your dream

Thankyou god ^^

6.  Your car suddenly breaking down, but finally you are able to turn it on
